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Seasonal concerts of choral music

Seasonal concerts of choral music serve our choral culture in a new way, performed by top choirs. In the second season of the history of seasonal concerts in 2023-2024, a total of 30 versatile choir concerts will be held. Every Thursday, Helsinki's main concert venues are filled with choral music from classics to the latest works, from pop music to modernism, from national romanticism to choral drama. ​ The choirs and music styles change every week, but when you come to the seasonal concerts of the Choir, you know you're getting a quality experience. The performance features the most famous and interesting choirs in the capital region from all choir forms; every season with new software. Each concert is preceded by a presentation of works of about half an hour.
Kilven kuoro temppeliaukion kirkossa


The choral music season concerts are a concert series founded together by the choirs of the capital region. The goal is to introduce the public to high-level, versatile choral music and offer those interested in choral music a new kind of regular cultural activity.


Ahjo Ensemble
Candomino ja CandoMini
EMO Ensemble
Grex Musicus
Helsingin filharmoninen kuoro
Kamarikuoro Addictio
Kamarikuoro Kaamos
Kamarikuoro SonorEnsemble
Kamarikuoro Värinä
Kampin Laulu
Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat
Kilven Kuoro
Muntra Musikanter
Musta lammas
Naiskuoro KYN
Polyteknikkojen Kuoro
Sibelius-lukion Kamarikuoro
Somnium Ensemble
Spira Ensemble
Tapiolan kuoro
Vaskivuoren lukion kamarikuoro
Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat

Kallion kirkon, kirkkosali

How to join?

There are a few places in the seasonal concert series every year for visiting choirs who do not want to commit to a concert in the series at least once a year with new repertoire. If you want to visit the series, contact the artistic committee. Choirs that accept the purpose of the association are accepted as full members of the association on the recommendation of the artistic committee.

Artistic committee

The artistic committee of Kausikonsertkuorot ry, which consists of the artistic directors of the member choirs, is responsible for planning the seasonal concerts. Pasi Hyökki is the chairman of the artistic committee in the planning of the 2023-2024 concert season.


The board is responsible for the association's activities. The composition of the board in the term of office 2023-2024:
Chairman: Ville Saukko
Chairman of the artistic committee: Pasi Hyökki
Vice-chairman: Ville Nikunen
Secretary: Anna Matvejeff-Haapaniemi
Housekeeper: Anders Pohjola
Concertmaster: Casper Lamberg
Marketing communications manager: Juuso Koski

  • Where can I find Season Ticket types?
    You will find a ticket button next to each concert! You can also find them on the ticket tab.
  • When does the concert start?
    Seasonal concerts of choral music start on Thursdays at 19:00. Doors and ticket sales open at 18:00. The concerts are preceded by a work presentation event starting at 18:15 and lasting approx. 30 minutes.
  • Does the manual program pay?
    The manual program is included in the ticket price!
  • Can I pre-order drinks or snacks for the interval in the Ritarihuone?
    Unfortunately, at the moment we do not have the possibility to offer interim service in advance.
  • Is there an intermission at the concerts?
    There is always a 20-minute intermission during the concerts while in the House of Nobility. It is not always possible to offer an intermission in churches, because some works require a continuous performance.
  • Can I use my friend's season ticket?
    The cards you can use are Cardholder-specific. Don't forget to check the concerts included in the card on the website!

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